Privacy is important to us

DTB Sports Hospitality & Event Management Ltd

contents of privacy notice

  1. Introduction
  2. Who we are and how to contact us
  3. The legal grounds for holding data under GDPR
  4. When do we collect your personal data?
  5. What kind of data do we collect and why?
  6. How we protect and manage your personal data
    • Information updates and screening
    • How you can delete access or amend your data
  7. Marketing & your data
    • The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR)
    • Combining Data
    • How to unsubscribe from marketing & manage your preferences
  8. Third Parties
  9. How can you delete, access or amend your data
  10. More info and resources
    • Questions concerns and suggestions
    • Contacting the regulator
    • Reporting concerns outside the UK
    • Changes to the privacy policy.

1) Introduction

DTB Sports Hospitality and Event Management Ltd (“DTB”) is committed to protecting the privacy of the individuals and organisations that use our services. This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) explains which types of personal data we collect, why it is collected and the how we keep it safe.

In line with GDPR, this Privacy Policy explains a bit more about the control you have over your data, which includes the right to request, update or transfer your information. To learn more about those rights please refer to

The GDPR states the rights as follows:

  1. The right to be informed
  2. The right of access
  3. The right to rectification
  4. The right to erasure
  5. The right to restrict processing
  6. The right to data portability
  7. The right to object
  8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

We hope that the following sections will answer all of your questions, but if not please call us on +44 (0)20 7385 3553 or email our team at .

2) Who we are and how to contact us

3) The legal grounds for holding data

Under GDPR the holding of your personal information must comply with at least one of six lawful grounds for processing under the data protection law. These include, consent, contractual commitments, legal obligations, to protect vital interests, public or legitimate interests.

In most instances these grounds will apply:

You may have given consent. This may, for example, apply when you tick a box to receive email marketing, newsletters or promotions. Note that we will always make it clear which data is necessary and make it simple for you to change your mind.

We may need it for contractual reasons. For example, if you purchase hospitality packages from us, we’ll collect your address details. This will be used to complete your invoice, and in certain instances to pass on to our courier. 

We may require your data to pursue legitimate interests as hospitality providers. We may, for example, use the information we hold to send you personalised offers. We may use the phone, email, digital apps or your physical address to keep you updated on about events that you have expressed interest in. On occasion we may include promotions from brand partners.

Note: In rare instances we may need to collect and process your data for legal reasons.

4) When do we collect your personal data?

  • When you create and account with us or make a booking with us by phone or online.
  • When you visit or browse our website
  • When you create an account with us.
  • When you download our publications or presentations, and perhaps in future, when you install one of our apps.
  • When you contact us by any means with feedback, queries or complaints.
  • When you fill in a contact form on our website, place an order or request further products and services.
  • When you subscribe to our newsletter, Monthly ‘What’s On’ Guide or promotional emails.
  • When you engage with us on social media.
  • When you engage with surveys, competitions and promotional activities.
  • When you book any kind of appointment with us whether customer or supplier.
  • When you’ve consented to pass information through a third party to share with us.
  • Where information about you may be in the public domain and freely accessible such as that which is found on Companies House or online.
  • When you comment or review products or services through our site or social media.

5) What kind of data do we collect and why

The information we collect about you is used to process bookings, keep you updated on the status of our service and Products ("the Products") and to automate certain functions on our Website. This is a bit more about what we collect and for which purpose:

  • If you make and enquiry with us, or register with us, we will normally collect your name, email, contact number and any other information that you may freely provide to process your request. We may later use this information notify you about changes to our services and products, as well as to update your Information.
  • If you have an account with us, our team may additionally make notes about your orders, feedback, premier reward points, purchases and preferences. Where helpful or appropriate we may note down personal details such as your gender and date of birth to create a snapshot of you as a client.
  • To fulfil orders to exclusive events we may retain scans or copies of any documents that you may provide to demonstrate age or identity, such as a passport of driver’s licence. Note if a passport is provided by default details such has date of birth, facial image, nationality and gender may be provided.
  • Payment information and receipts from bookings are retained for our accounting, though we do not store your bank details.
  • To ensure the most seamless online experiences we collect technical information when you browse our site – this may include details such as you IP address, operating system and browser type (see our Cookie Policy).
  • To understand where to make improvements on our website, we may also log details or your sessions, detailing pages that your visit and resources that your access for our analytics (see our Cookie Policy for more information).
  • We may also use your personal information for our internal marketing and demographic studies, together with non-personal data to monitor customer patterns so we can consistently improve our Website design to better meet our visitors' needs

6) How we protect & manage your personal data

  • We will only keep your data for as long as is needed to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected.
  • Information is stored on our Secure Server (SSL) and is used to process your orders and help protect you against fraud. The SSL encrypts all of your personal information, to ensure that the information your give us is protected against unauthorised access.
  • Note that while transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure we will always notify you and the ICO within 72 hours should any breach become known that may compromise your personal information.
  • At the end of the required period data may be deleted or aggregated in an anonymised way so that we can use it for business planning and strategy.
  • Any transmission of personal information prior to this period is at your own risk and we recommend having stringent securities in place on all devices used during enquiries and transactions.
  • To protect your personal information, we recommend having stringent securities in place on all devices used during enquiries, communications and transactions. As your device and network security is outside of our control any transmission of data is at your own risk.
  • At times we may screen our database under CTPS (Corporate Telephone Preference Service), TPS (Telephone Preference Service), MPS (Mail Preference Service) or  FPS (Fax Preference Service) to keep information current. We do however encourage our customers to let us know when there is a change in their contact details or job designation.
  • Our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions may be updated from time to time. We will, of course, make our database aware when there are significant changes to legislation and the way we work.

We appreciate that one of the most widespread concerns is that data will be shared or sold on. Note that we respect our customer’s privacy and will never sell on our data to third parties for marketing purposes.

7) Marketing & your data

The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR)

When we collect information during an enquiry, booking, or negotiations of sale, in person, on the phone or online, DTB will have permission to market to you under PECR.

  1. Once you register we will provide you with a link to our Privacy Policy and an acceptance button for the collection of your personal data. At all times we will offer you the opportunity to opt out of any service to which you have subscribed.
  2. If you consent to receive marketing we will send you information about news, launches, taster events, price changes and other information that we feel may be helpful to your social and corporate planning. This may be through your account manager directly or through our e-mail shot or social media communications.

For more information on PECR please visit the ICO’s website.

Combining your Data

  • At DTB it is our mission to provide you with the most personalised experience possible. As we work with hundreds of different events internationally it is important that we take the time to get to know our customers and bring them those opportunities and events that fit their budget and objectives. We will therefore sometimes combine data from different sources internally, or with that of third parties, to make our service more relevant and more useful.

How to unsubscribe from marketing & manage your preferences

To unsubscribe from bulk marketing emails simply use the subscribe button at the bottom our communications. There will also a be a button at the bottom of each e-mailshot that allows you to amend your preferences.

To manage any other preferences, such as the way you like to be contacted, or to adjust the volume of emails you receive, please speak to your account manager.

If you do not wish to be marketed to, we will need to keep your details on our ‘do not contact list’ to ensure that we comply with your right to opt out.

8) How can you delete access or amend your data

  • To amend your data or to request a portable copy of your personal information, speak to your account manager or email You also have the right to be forgotten under the GDPR update. All requests will be serviced within 30 days or less
  • Any email we send to you will contain information on how you can opt out of the service.
  • If you do not wish to be marketed to, we will need to keep your details on our ‘do not contact list’ to ensure that we comply with your right to opt out.
  • If you have any further questions about amending, deleting or restricting process of your data contact us here.

Note, that the right to be forgotten will have certain restrictions under GDPR. In some instances, we may not be able to delete your information due to legal obligations or requirements from official bodies such as HMRC.

9) third parties

  • In order to fulfil our obligations to you as a customer, it may at times be essential to work with selected third-party service providers and suppliers/sub-contractors. This may involve sharing personal information relevant to your specific booking or request.
  • At times, we may also need to provide data access to teams supporting the proper running or our email, website and CRM. Currently these include Campaign monitor, Microsoft Dynamics and Siteglide.
  • On rare occasions we may be under duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation or in order to enforce or apply our Terms and Conditions and other agreements or protect the rights, property, or safety of DTB, our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.
  • We may provide other companies, such as advertisers (for the purpose of serving advertisements), suppliers, potential suppliers and potential customers of DTB Limited and its affiliates with details about our services, but we will not provide them with any information.
  • The data that we collect from you may at times be safely transferred to and stored at a destination outside the European Economic Area by GDPR approved third parties. By submitting your personal data you agree to this transfer. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  • DTB maintains the right to share data in the event that we sell or buy any business or assets in which case we may disclose your personal data to the seller or buyer of such business or assets. DTB will, of course, notify clients or parties that may be affected by such changes.

Read more on Third Parties in Cookie Policy for more information

10) More info and Resources

  • If you feel that the information we have provided is unclear or if you become aware of any breach or mishandling of personal data on behalf of our team, partners or suppliers, please contact us as soon as possible.
  • If you have any questions or concerns that we’ve not been able to address, please contact the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can call them on 0303 123 1113. Or go online to
  • If you are currently based outside of the UK, you may wish to lodge your complaint with the relevant data protection regulator in your country of residence.

Changes to the privacy policy

DTB reserves the right to make changes to this policy and you should check back from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes. Your continued use of this Website will demonstrate your acceptance of these changes.

Disclaimer This Privacy Policy applies to DTB, but not to websites maintained by other companies or organisations to which we link. Please ensure that you read their Privacy Policy before submitting personal information

This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with our updated Terms & Conditions and Cookie Policy.